Monday, January 7, 2013

My name is a Denise and I am a Fixer - rant

I recently created some session programming for an organization I belong to.  Part of my session dealt with being what I call a "fixer" -- something I find to be almost innate in people with XX chromosomes. {side note:  The programming and that particular organization are NOT being discussed here.  Point in fact is that I love my organization and hope to always be part of it...the posting below does not relate to it, or anything or anyone involved with it. }

If I see something that doesn't look "quite right" or isn't running up to par (in MY opinion) my first thought is to create a way to fix it...make it work better, smoother, communicate more openly and honestly.

Forget the fact that most people, organizations and corporations don't really need me to fix what's not really broken in their minds.... I am like Don Quixote, tilting at the proverbial windmill, though the windmills I choose are local non-profit/educational/sporting organizations who really could USE Don Quixote's magic touch, or at least Dona Denise's....

There should be a 12 step program for Fixers.  Fixers' Anonymous (or is that Fixer's Anonymous??) In no way do I want to take away from the success and true positive impact 12 step programs have (AA, OA, etc) but I truly believe that Fixers need help.

My name is Denise and I am a fixer.....

The worst part about me, as a Fixer, is I know I am right.  I know how to help the institution find their way...I know how to engage volunteers, I know how to SUPPORT constituents. better still I have personal friends and acquaintances who are SPECTACULAR at building and supporting this type of organization and can get some effective ideas/suggestion/guidance from them FREE OF CHARGE...but if the group/s don't want help they won't take it....and in fact they will rebuff the offer of FREE help...until this fixer is pissed off.

You do not want a pissed off  Fixer.... all that energy that was spent on finding a way to improve the organization is now turned toward proving (or communicating the already proven facts of) how shitty the organization is.  With this particular institution there isn't much additional proof necessary: The paid staff is relatively ineffective, the executive level volunteers are essentially useless..there is not one galvanizing force on either side of the leadership....i use leadership here to demonstrate the people "chosen" to lead, not truly people who are leading.  Volunteers are rebuffed and the best way the group thinks to try to engage parents/volunteers/others is by complaining that no one is involved, no one wants to come to meetings, no one wants to support the organization....and yet they rebuff at least three active, intelligent, supportive, experienced volunteers.  

Way to go and lead your institute!  GREAT JOB!!!  Keep reaching for mediocrity and you might get there some day...with lots of hope, no strategic planning and absolutely no communicated plan for growth!   

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